WRI Energy
Wind Farm Forecast
Climatology Reports
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Daily Forecasting & Energy Performance

Our interactive web-based program monitors weather and oceanographic conditions that will impact the power output of your offshore wind farm. Additionally, our Dashboard will assist in surveying your offshore site in being aware of daily power output, weather concerns out 10 days, and options to request additional weather forecasting assistance during routine maintenance.

Weather & Energy Forecasting
  • Hourly precise forecast reports at hub level out to 10 days.
  • Additional forecast fields including: Icing Potential, Squall Threat, Visibility, and more!
  • Power Output analysis; from real time out to 10 days.

Windfarm Monitoring Dashboard
  • Operations will be kept well advised of potential energy production, and resource assessment.
  • Access to summary of weather and power output data for your site.
  • Additional forecasting for maintenance assistance can be requested.

Additional Tools & Products
  • Special Hazard Maps - Hazardous winds/seas, reduced visibility, piracy reports, and earthquake/tsunami advisories.
  • Tropical Tracker - track intensity of all active and potential tropical systems.
  • Interactive: Satellite, Radar, and Surface Observations - ship, land, and buoy.
Wind Energy Forecasting Offshore Wind Farm High Resoliution Weather Map Dashboard Performance Forecasting Energy Output Potential Energy Hourly Forecast
(Click on Images to Enlarge)
  • About
  • Weather Routing Inc. (WRI) is a private meteorological consulting firm and is the world leader in the marine industry since 1961. WRI's staff of trained, degreed, and certified Marine Meteorologists are available 24/7, 365 days a year. Our expertise ranges from worldwide weather forecasts and consulting services, not only for energy companies, but for maritime vessels large and small, site forecasting, and many other areas worth considering for your business.